Our friends, Mike and Paul, the owners of Coyaba Tropical, a VERY straight-friendly, B&B, located in beautiful Manuel Antonio, have added a brand NEW pool and jacuzzi area.
We love Coyaba Tropical. In the gay, internet travel world, it's known as a gay-owned, B&B, but really, it's a VERY straight-friendly destination and probably has just as many COOL straight people staying there as gay.... probably because COOL straight people know gay places are the places to GO *wink-wink* But the major draw just may be Mike and Paul because they're the consummate hosts- it's like staying with family.
Well, now Coyaba is that much better with a pool and jacuzzi area. Check it out. The first video is one we did a few months ago, the second is a quick look at the new pool and jacuzzi area. GREAT JOB on the pool area guys. Can't wait to test it out.
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