Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Coyaba Tropical in Manuel Antonio UPDATE!

Coyaba Tropical in Manuel Antonio Costa Rica has a COOL New Addition.

Our friends, Mike and Paul, the owners of Coyaba Tropical, a VERY straight-friendly, B&B, located in beautiful Manuel Antonio, have added a brand NEW pool and jacuzzi area.

We love Coyaba Tropical. In the gay, internet travel world, it's known as a gay-owned, B&B, but really, it's a VERY straight-friendly destination and probably has just as many COOL straight people staying there as gay.... probably because COOL straight people know gay places are the places to GO *wink-wink* But the major draw just may be Mike and Paul because they're the consummate hosts- it's like staying with family.

Well, now Coyaba is that much better with a pool and jacuzzi area. Check it out. The first video is one we did a few months ago, the second is a quick look at the new pool and jacuzzi area. GREAT JOB on the pool area guys. Can't wait to test it out.

TONS of Costa Rica Travel Info and VIDEOS on our website: Travel Costa Rica NOW and if you want to visit our YouTube Channel: iCostaRica24 ENjoY!

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