Friday, November 7, 2014

Pital Costa Rica Thief and Robber Juan Carlos Salazar Mena

This is what a thief looks like and Juan Carlos Salazar Mena is a THIEF. Juan Carlos Salazar Mena is originally from Pital Costa Rica but spends time in Aguas Zarcas and La Fortuna.

After videotaping Juan Carlos Salazar Mena breaking into our apartment in La Fortuna, the emails started pouring in. Apparently, Juan Carlos Salazar Mena has robbed many other folks and businesses. Juan Carlos Mena doesn't just focus on Gringos, a Tico man reached out to us in hopes of helping us put Juan Carlos Mena behind bars because he had broken into his business as well, also videotaped and CAUGHT. But Costa Rica being Costa Rica, absolutely NOTHING was done.(We will be posting that video on our YouTube Channel as well, so L@@L for it).

The first video below is actually the second video we did in regards to Juan Carlos Salazar Mena and is an update 4 days after the initial break-in with the bottom video being the break-in caught on tape.

Juan Carlos Salazar Mena is a skinny little punk, unassuming but extremely sneaky and conniving, so if he's around your area, you're going to either want to beat the fuck out of him or at least keep a watchful eye on his every move. And if you do happen to cross paths with Juan Carlos Salazar Mena, please contact us, we'd love to chat with him **just to ask him why he chose a life of crime, nothing more**Swear, nothing bad.

We're not going to let this go until justice comes to Juan Carlos Salazar Mena, he's hurt WAY too many people- hard working people trying to make their way in life. Motherfucker needs a life lesson.

TONS of Costa Rica Tavel Info and VIDEOS on our websitc: Travel Costa Rica NOW and if you want to visit our YouTube Channel: iCostaRica24 ENjoY!

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