Saturday, February 7, 2015

Costa Rica- Prostitution is LEGAL Get Over It

Prostitution is legal in Costa Rica. Let me say that again, in Costa Rica, prostitution is legal, so either change the laws or shut the fuck up. *Sorry, just get a little tired of folks emailing us about the 'morality' of it all. Anyway, just did this video out on Lake Arenal, which if you don't know, is in the La Fortuna area of Costa Rica. It's a Bachelor Party we threw, where we brought in some girls to enhance the festivities. And was it a BLAST, even for a couple gay boys. So check it out and see what you think. And if you're in the area and want the same P-A-R-T-Y, hit us up. The second video is one we did about 6 years ago about 'Prostitution in Costa Rica' and is still relevant to this day, so if you're not sure about the laws and such, check it out also. ENjoY!

TONS of Costa Rica Tavel Info and VIDEOS on our websitc: Travel Costa Rica NOW and if you want to visit our YouTube Channel: iCostaRica24 ENjoY!

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