Friday, January 29, 2010

7 Hours of ITCHY HELL

Living in Costa Rica has a couple drawbacks.....ugh!

Two nights ago I was sitting outside chatting with a friend, it was about 6:00pm. I look at my arm and noticed I'd been bitten by something. This is NOT shocking, as I get BIT pretty much everyday by something or other. No BIGGIE.... or so I thought. About 20 minutes passed when I felt my neck getting 'HOT' and itchy. Again, for me, nothing new. An hour goes by and I'm up in our apartment, the initial bump on my arm is now a neighborhood of about 20 single family units. Did I say arm, NOW it's 'arms'. F***! *Check out my right arm, you can't see it well, but it's BAD.

For the NEXT 6 hours, it wasn't looking GOOD for me, in fact it was getting so BAD, even D'Angelo said it might be time to call the doctor.... and he's seen some pretty FUNKY skin irritations on me over the last few years of living in Costa Rica. I could feel my entire body getting HOT and feverish. Luckily, it wasn't 'chicken pox' itchy.... so I could get away with 'light' rubbing/tickling..... it felt sooooo GOOD. But obviously this rubbing was causing the spreading.... and spreading quicker than an La Country brush fire- ALL over my body. Small neighborhoods continued to pop-UP, but I couldn't help myself.

*For those NEW to this blog, I've written before about how, 'Costa Rican Mosquitoes LOVE me and BUGS want to GET with me.' in this post: Costa Rica- Irritations NEVER Cease which also has a GREAT 'before' and 'after' pic of my Leishmaniasis. Actually, that dark spot on my upper leg in the pic above. is a little GIFT left from a particularly nice, sand-fly friend of mine.

I wasn't ready to call the doctor quite yet. I slathered copious amounts of hydrocortisone cream (I keep about 74 tubes in stock....just in case) and some itchy type cream all over my body until I went to bed. I laid down and was actually able to sleep. When I awoke- GONE, nothing, no bumps, no redness... no small communities spread over my body...... SWEET!

What did I learn from my 6-7 hours of discomfort- well, if the rash was any indication- apparently I scratch my ass a LOT more than I thought.

TONS of Costa Rica Travel Info and VIDEOS on our website: Travel Costa Rica NOW and if you want to visit our YouTube Channel: iCostaRica24 Oh, and we also have all the INFO about GAY Travel in Costa Rica. ENjoY!

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