Traveling to Costa Rica is ONE thing, and even for a week’s visit one needs to do their homework to ensure the BEST time possible. Visit our site: Travel Costa Rica NOW to do just that. But actually moving and Living in Costa Rica is an entirely different matter.
Our friend Mendee did just that. Young, pretty and single, Mendee decided to follow her dreams and move OUT of the United States (San Diego) and into Costa Rica, armed only with a previous month’s long vacation, determination and her faithful companions, Helmet and Barron.
You don’t want to miss this, especially if you’re considering making the MOVE to Costa Rica yourself, and double especially if you're a young WOMAN, as Mendee offers GREAT perspective:
and here's PART 2 with Mendee:
Hey Everyone, we got TONS of Costa Rica Travel Information in our Travel Guide at Travel Costa Rica NOW and don't FORGET all our Costa Rica Travel Tip Videos, completely ORGANIZED so you can EASILY find what you're LOOKING for. ENjOY!