Do'in Costa Rica has many chances to write about the 'bad' and the 'ugly' side of Costa Rica but doesn't always get the opportunity to report on the 'GOOD'.
If you don't know, Jaco was one of the beach towns battling 'water pollution' problems the last 3 years... and the results, UNTIL NOW, were NOT good. Fecal matter and Jaco were becoming a little too synonymous. *You know, I hate that word, 'fecal matter', to me, fecal matter sounds shittier than saying , 'shit'....... just sayin.
This just OUT about Jaco Beach:
"Jaco Beach passed the lab test after three years of very publicized water pollution problems. There was a huge effort by the Jaco community and the Canton of Garabito to clean up the water problems in Jaco. The result is Jaco is no longer on any of the polluted beach lists and continues to pass water tests." FULL ARTICLE.
WHOO HOO! This is VERY nice to hear and doubly nice because the community got together to 'fix' the problem. I give total 'PROPS' to the community of Jaco. It just goes to show what can be accomplished when PEOPLE come together.
So let's CELEBRATE and listen to a BLAST from the PAST, but so very APPROPRIATE for this occasion:
TONS of Costa Rica Travel Info and VIDEOS on our website: Travel Costa Rica NOW and if you want to visit our YouTube Channel: iCostaRica24 Oh, and we also have all the INFO about GAY Travel in Costa Rica. ENjoY!