It's not looking GOOD for the David Gimelfarb family.
Quick re-cap if you don't know the FYI on the David Gimelfarb situation.
On Aug. 11, 28-year-old David Gimelfarb set out for a solo trek through the dense Rincon de Vieja National Park, a popular Costa Rican destination, and hasn't been seen since. His SUV was found by park rangers.
I'll save the, 'Don't hike alone in Costa Rica' post for another time, but sometimes it pisses me off that many THINGS that happen here, theft/crime in Costa Rica etc, and possibly even this, could SO be avoided, or at least, consequences could be minimal. But I digress.
My brain cells are racing as well. I speculate he either: a) Fell a substantial distance into a place very difficult to search. b) Wherever human beings are, FOUL-PLAY is always a possibility. c) Same as 'a', but his body became consumed in the 'circle of life' so to speak after dieing or laying unconscious from 'whatever'. d) Staged the whole thing because LIFE became to hard and he wanted to start over somewhere else. Sorry, but my brain can't help what it thinks.
But thoughts are thoughts. Fuck'em. As for me, I would continue the SEARCH if it were my son... and then search some more... and SEARCH after that... and when I felt I had done ALL I possibly could... and my head FINALLY wrapped itself around the probabilities... and HOPE turned into mere wishful thinking- I would STOP.
BUT now is not the FUCKIN time. The Gimelfarb's need YOU (us) now MORE than ever, so Rally the TROOPS, circle the wagons, double the efforts and don't EVER forget... this could be your son, your daughter, your loved one... so when you think it's time to 'face reality',.. please don't actually try to convince me you'd give up the SEARCH for your loved one after only 3 weeks.
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